What Happens When You Eat No Carbs?

Many people have either experienced or been on a low-carbohydrate diet without really knowing how it affected their body. Low-carb diets work by reducing the amount of sugars that enter your body. However, there are negative side effects that should be considered before embarking on a low-carb diet. Consult your doctor before starting a low-carb ..
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Fruits That Detox

Harmful toxins can enter your body through diet as well as the environment. These poisons can sometimes cause serious health problems, including clogged arteries. Detoxing your body with fruits could help clear your system of these toxins. Before changing your diet, it may be a good idea to check with your doctor since the amount ..
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How to Begin a Plan to Lose Weight

Perhaps the obstacle to starting a plan to lose weight is knowing where to begin. Starting a weight loss program means changing habits and making different lifestyle choices. You may want to give up before you even begin. With any good weight loss program, two essentials are to eat less and exercise more. A few ..
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10 Things Needed for a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle allows you to feel good, look good and maintain a naturally high level of energy. It is never too late to change your diet or habits around so that you can incorporate more positive choices into your lifestyle to improve your health. An important thing to remember is that maintaining a healthy ..
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Is it Dangerous to Eat Moldy Yogurt?

You peel back the lid on your yogurt cup to find a layer of mold resting on top. Unfortunately, the yogurt’s next destination should be the garbage can. Because of harmful microbes that may reside throughout the product, the best move for your health is to discard the moldy yogurt. Health Problems Aside from ruining ..
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How to Promote Natural Human Growth

Human growth hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary. It is necessary for growth in the developing child and for cell renewal in humans of all ages. As people grow older, their bodies slow production of human growth hormone, resulting in the side effects we attribute to “aging”: wrinkles, loss of mental concentration, fatigue, slower ..
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What Are the Side Effects of Equal Sweetener ?

Blue packets of Equal are common on most restaurant tables and in many people’s homes. Many prefer this low-cal artificial sweetener to others on the market and feel that using it helps them cut calories. Equal is a commercial brand containing the compound aspartame, sometimes marketed as NutraSweet. Some researchers connect aspartame with adverse side ..
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MSG Free Food List

People seeking a healthier diet often try to avoid food containing the additive monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG. Many people associate MSG with negative reactions like “chest pain, flushing and headache” following the consumption of Chinese restaurant food. There has been no definitive proof that MSG causes “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” and MSG is still ..
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How to Diet and Lose 10 Pounds in a Week

Loosing 10 pounds in one week takes a lot of willpower and determination. Even though losing so much weight that fast is not recommended, it is entirely possible. Sticking to a strict diet can help you succeed in losing the weight. The diet will help you shed excess fat quickly without using any risky diet ..
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Third Shift Diets

Working third shift creates strain on the body. By staying awake at night you interrupt the natural circadian rhythms that govern your body’s biological processes. This leaves you feeling groggy when you’re awake, making sugary snacks and caffeine-filled drinks tempting. Your appetite and eating habits may also change while working third shift. Late night workers ..
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What Tools Do Dentists Use to Clean Teeth?

Professional dental cleanings are the best way to prevent or prolong gum disease and other health conditions associated with the gums and teeth. Dentists have the tools they need to remove plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth that a normal toothbrush cannot. It’s recommended that adults with healthy teeth visit their dentist at least ..
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How to Remove Difficult Teeth Stains and Have a Beautiful White Smile

Having stains on your teeth can be quite unattractive. Everyone wants that million dollar, winning smile. Nicotine stains, coffee stains, red wine stains and certain foods stains can be removed. It will take sacrifice and some adjusting to help keep these stains off as well. There’s numerous different and effective ways to prevent along with ..
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