Vitamin D FAQ

Why is vitamin D needed?Adequate levels of vitamin D are vital for bone health. But it must be taken not only for the prevention of rickets in children of the first year of life.Skeletal system: mineralization and growth of the skeleton.Muscular system: maintenance of muscle tone of the skeletal muscles.Nervous system: involved in the conduction ..
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Eat right to live longer

According to world statistics, unhealthy eating indirectly leads to 11 million deaths every year! Norwegian scientists have found that you can significantly extend your life just by changing your diet. Previously, they analyzed a large-scale study of the Global Burden of Diseases (literally “Global Burden of Diseases”) and came to the conclusion that life expectancy ..
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When is the best time to drink coffee to be more productive?

When is the best time to drink coffee to be more productive? The established tradition to start the morning with a cup of coffee is not very correct.If you need stimulants in the morning to get back to normal, then you need to figure out what is wrong. We should wake up refreshed and in ..
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Low blood pressure or hypotension is when the blood pressure monitor shows values ​​below 90 mmHg for systolic (first digit) and 60 mmHg for diastolic (second digit). Hypotension can be compared to body temperature: everyone is worried when it rises. Although in fact, a sharp drop in pressure is a million times more dangerous – ..
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Scientists can predict what fate awaits a person as early as 8 years of age

Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä and the Research Center for Gerontology (Finland) have published data from a study that has been ongoing since 1968. They were looking for links between the behavior of 8-year-old children and how this will affect their body weight, love of physical education, smoking and alcohol addiction in adulthood. For ..
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What happens if you eat eggs every day?

There is a possibility of food intolerance due to the monotonous diet.I remember there was such a king in world history who adored eggs and ate them at every opportunity.And supposedly contemporaries noted that the body of the king exuded a stench.I don’t know if this is a historical fact or an anecdote.But in general, ..
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Top main reasons why we get fat

1. We eat too much. Violation of the balance of energy received from food and spent during physical activity, in favor of the first. Scientists have recorded a significant increase in the consumption of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats over the past 50 years. 2. We move too little. Everything is clear here, it does ..
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Hypertension FAQ

If the pressure rises episodically, is this considered hypertension? No. Hypertension is when your blood pressure is constantly elevated at rest. How to take the tablets for hypertension, in the morning or in the evening? De jure look at the packaging. De facto in 99% it does not matter, since usually drugs to control pressure ..
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Is it possible to get rid of a cellulite?

What is a cellulite? Cellulite is a collection of fatty tissue that protrudes from under the skin. It is most often seen on the buttocks, thighs and lower abdomen. Due to cellulite, the skin looks lumpy, folded, with small pits, somewhat reminiscent of cottage cheese or orange peel. Although it may look ugly, cellulite is ..
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Type 2 diabetes screening in community pharmacies could increase early diagnosis

Community pharmacies are well placed to screen patients for type 2 diabetes, which could increase early diagnosis and significantly reduce NHS costs—according to new research from the University of East Anglia and Boots UK. More than three million people in the UK were diagnosed with diabetes in 2014 and there was an estimated 590,000 people ..
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Hormone therapy helps strengthen brain connections in transgender women

In transgender women who have had their testes removed as part of the gender-affirming process, a form of estrogen called estradiol strengthens connections between areas of the brain involved in fine motor skills, learning, emotions and sensory perception, according a study to be presented Monday at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in New ..
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How does estrogen protect bones? Unraveling a pathway to menopausal bone loss

Estrogen induces osteocyte expression of Sema3A, which acts on its receptor on osteocytes to promote survival, resulting in reduced osteoclastic bone resorption and enhanced osteoblastic bone formation. Sema3A-activated sGC-cGMP signaling through Nrp1 protected osteocytes from apoptosis. Credit: Department of Cell Signaling,TMDU Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and prone to fractures. Fractures ..
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