Why Marketing Claims for Infant Formula Should be Banned

Why Marketing Claims for Infant Formula Should be Banned

In May of this year, the British Medical Journal published a wonderful “Health and nutrition claims for infant formula are poorly substantiated and potentially harmful”.

Probably, many mothers, faced with the need to choose a formula for a child, were at a loss from the variety of infant formulas. What to choose? On one, for example, it is written that it will improve digestion, and on the other that it will strengthen the immune system. On the third – that it is hypoallergenic (and who wants to stuff a child with a “hyperallergenic” formula? – sarcasm).
An analysis of the available scientific data has shown that many of these statements are too bold and do not have sufficient scientific justification.
What can this lead to?
Replacing breastfeeding with artificial “in order to improve the health of the child” (we specially quote it) if the manufacturer of the mixture promises that it will somehow improve the health of the child.
In fact: if breastfeeding is possible, it is always preferable to artificial. The use of the mixture increases the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory and intestinal infections, obesity (PROBIT Study trial, JAMA, 2001, Rollins et al, Lancet, 2016). Reducing the duration of breastfeeding may increase the risk of breast cancer (Rollins et al, Lancet, 2016)

Trying to solve a child’s health problems by self-changing the formula may lead to an untimely visit to the doctor and the selection of treatment (for example, self-selection of a hypoallergenic formula in case of rashes in a child or replacing a regular formula with a formula that improves digestion in the presence of reflux or other gastro-intestinal disorders). intestinal complaints)

In fact: a hypoallergenic formula, for example, is a partial hydrolyzate designed to reduce the risk of developing allergies in a healthy child whose family has allergies, if this child requires formula in the first four months.
Even this statement is very controversial, since the accumulated scientific data on this topic are very contradictory. Moreover, if a child already has an allergy to milk proteins, a hypoallergenic mixture is highly likely to cause allergy symptoms in him as well.

In addition, given the huge volumes of formulas that babies consume per day in relation to their weight (if you calculate a similar portion of the formula for an adult male weighing 70 kg, this is about 11-14 liters per day), you need to understand that the effect of the formula on the child’s body huge. Therefore, if the formula somehow harms the child, this harm can be of tremendous importance. If the component of the formula has some scientifically based positive effect, then it should be indicated on all formulas with this component so as not to mislead the consumer.

We hope our brief review will help you to be more wary of formula marketing claims and discuss baby nutrition first and foremost with a doctor you trust.

You can read the entire article at this link

“Secrets” of Eggs

Eggs are an ideal food, and it is not for nothing that they are one of the first foods that are given to babies in complementary foods. Protein from it is absorbed by 98 percent, despite the fact that, for example, from mushrooms – only 20 percent.

Do you want…

  • build or maintain muscle mass
  • recovering from a severe illness
  • maintain a healthy diet on an ongoing basis

It’s all about the eggs.

There is an interesting feature that there is much more protein in the yolk than in the protein, so it is irrational to exclude it from food. Well, perhaps, to reduce the calorie amount… Although it’s better to save on something else.

Can you eat only eggs for breakfast?

The protein and fat contained in eggs alone is not enough for happiness. Be sure to add complex carbohydrates. It can be a couple of spoons of porridge, a slice of bread, a cucumber or a tomato, cabbage. Then such a meal will provide a feeling of satiety for several hours.

Is there a difference between chicken, quail, duck, goose, etc.?

Quail eggs are considered dietary, largely due to the fact that they have a very strong shell, through which it is not easy for harmful viruses and bacteria to get through. Therefore, cleaning such eggs is a dubious pleasure.

Ducks and gooses need very serious heat treatment, as waterfowl easily get parasites. Therefore, only cook for a long time, and no fried eggs, homemade mayonnaise, etc.

How to cook eggs so that they are as healthy as possible?

The most useful are soft-boiled, bagged or poached eggs. The protein is already denatured, it is easier to digest, and there is less thermal breakdown of amino acids.

Slightly less useful are hard-boiled and raw eggs.
An omelet is also good if cooked in the oven or under a tightly closed lid over low heat, avoiding a fried crust.

Fried eggs in any form are less healthy, as they already contain an increased amount of advanced glycation end products (AGEs, one of the main factors in aging).

Fried egg – 2749 AGE units
Poached egg – 90 units
Everything else is within these limits.
On average, a person can process about 15 thousand units of AGE per day, and the lion’s share of these units in our body occurs independently, in the process of life. Therefore, it is better not to add them to food intentionally.

Can eggs be eaten raw?

Thermally raw eggs are always a threat of salmonellosis, greater or lesser. If the eggs are washed properly, the threat is noticeably reduced.

What is so good about eggs?

In addition to the most useful protein in the world (with a minimum of carbohydrates), this:

  • a complex of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, K;
  • zinc – there is more of it than in poultry meat, and it is needed not only for the immune system (fighting viruses and bacteria), muscle growth and wound healing, but also for the proper functioning of the male genital area;
  • selenium is an essential substance for the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • B vitamins, including B9-folic acid;
  • lecithin, which, among other things, is a building material for brain cells, providing our ability to think…

Eggs can be called a natural antidepressant because of the element choline, which increases the sensitivity of cell receptors to the happiness hormone dopamine.
Choline improves attention and concentration, and there are studies on its usefulness in the treatment of various dementias (senile dementia).

Can you eat egg shells?

If you live away from pharmacies as a hermit, then this is quite reasonable behavior – how to clean, boil, dry, grind and then add eggshell powder to water or food. Egg shells (quail egg shells are richer in trace elements than those from chicken eggs) contain many useful chemical elements, not just calcium. There is also magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and much more, including iodine.
But it’s still exotic.
It’s better to just buy multivitamins and calcium supplements, and spend the free time on something more pleasant.

Water and Health

Let’s try to clarify the information about water, since not everything is true.

Water is the main medium for metabolism.

  • Without it, metabolism is impossible;
  • Without water, you will not lose weight and will not recover even from a common cold;
  • The amount of water in the body is an indicator of youth;
  • Water is one of the most important participants in the regulation of body temperature;
  • Transport for useful, nutrients in the body;
  • Even oxygen in erythrocytes is also transported by water;
  • It also transports waste, harmful substances and removes them from the body;
  • Water humidifies the air coming from outside;
  • It creates hydrostatic, that is, water pressure in the vascular system and tissues, again providing metabolic processes;
  • And if you do not drink for a long time, then you will remember that it is also very tasty.

We are more than half water

When we are born, it makes up a little more than 80% of the total body weight.
In middle age, men are 60% water and women are 50%.
By old age, we dry completely – we contain only 40-45% of water.

Water in the body is divided into sectors

2/3, that is, almost 40% of body weight is contained inside our cells. All biochemical processes occur only in water, which is why it is so important.
The rest of the water is divided into 3 sectors:

  • the liquid part of the blood, the so-called plasma, that is, the intravascular fluid;
  • intercellular fluid, which, in addition to metabolic processes, also acts as a reserve in case of a lack of water in cells or vessels;
  • transcellular fluid, which is located inside the joints, in the ducts of the glands, in the spinal canal or skull.

Blood plasma and intercellular fluid are very similar in composition to each other. There are small differences. For example, in plasma there is a little more calcium and potassium, proteinate.
In the interstitial fluid there is more sodium, chlorides, and vice versa, there is practically no protein. But the intracellular fluid is fundamentally different from other fluids – it contains more potassium, magnesium, protein, there are no organic acids. These differences are not accidental, since due to the gradient, liquid or trace elements can leave the cell, remain inside, or vice versa enter it. The largest amount of water comes from outside – with food and drinks. This is the so-called exogenous water. With drinks (juices, tea, coffee, etc., except water) comes from 500 to 1700 ml per day. We get another 800-1000 ml with products and in ready meals.

The same water that is formed in the body itself, as a result of the oxidation of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, is called endogenous. It happens from 300 to 400 ml per day.

In total, from 1600 to 3100 ml comes in per day.

How much water is excreted from the body? The kidneys excrete from 1400 to 1800 ml per day on average, another 500-600 ml perspires through the skin. With breathing, we lose an average of 400 to 500 ml of fluid. These are the so-called intangible losses.
It is important to understand that the temperature and humidity of the environment can change this amount. Just like body temperature. For example, with an increase in body temperature by 1 degree, intangible losses increase by 500 ml per day. This is significant. It turns out that on average we lose from 2300 to 3100 fluids per day.

In order to feel good, be healthy and live long, it is necessary to maintain a balance between how much water came in and how much came out.

WHO believes that a person needs to drink at least 30 ml per kilogram of body weight. That is, a 70-kilogram person needs 2 liters 100 ml of water per day.

Mixing Animal and Plant-based Proteins

Many people often ask about separate meals. So – the need for a mixed or balanced diet is simply and clearly explained by the need to balance the protein.
No wonder the Greeks called it paramount, that is, the most important.

When we mix animal and plant-based proteins in one bowl, we get all the essential amino acids and create all the necessary proteins without destroying our own.
This is because plant sources contain some essential amino acids, while animal proteins have others.
For example, there is little methionine in cereals and more in fermented milk products, while lysine, on the contrary, is high in soy and low in dairy products.
By receiving both at the same time, we preserve or restore our health.

Do Not Do This! Makeup removal mistakes

Applying a tone is half the battle, but let’s take a closer look at how to properly remove it from the face.

Do not use ordinary soap for makeup removal, it is alkaline, and we need to achieve an acidic environment on the face in the pH range of 3-4, for narrowing the pores and radiance of the skin!

Do not neglect the second wash after removing makeup “micellar molecules” should not remain on the face, in order to avoid skin irritation.

Do not use facial cleansers with particles or acids to remove eye make-up, as this can dry out the skin in that area.

If you use hydrophilic oil, then the second step is to wash off its remnants from the face with another cleanser – especially if your skin is oily/combination and prone to rashes, otherwise clogged pores and blackheads will be provided.

Choosing the right cleanser for your skin type is very important.
Milk – dry skin
Foam – combined
Gel – oily skin

Overeating from lack of sleep

People who sleep less than 7 hours a night, on average, overeat 385 kcal per day. This data was obtained by scientists from King’s College London in this study.

The study participants obtained these calories mainly from chips and various biscuits, preferring fatty carbohydrate foods to protein ones.

In general, this is a serious figure, for some it is practically lunch or dinner.
What is 385 kcal?

  • half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese or 150 g of fat,


  • 200 g beef stew,


  • 6 hard boiled eggs,


  • 4 potato pancakes with a spoonful of sour cream,


  • a noticeable piece of cake,


  • 100 g of brie cheese.

To burn that many calories, the average person needs either an hour of cycling, or 45 minutes of intense running, or half a day of general cleaning without snacking.

Otherwise, they will settle on the sides at a rate of about 40 grams of fat per day.

And just imagine, in order not to gain these calories, you just need to go to bed on time!

The stronger the muscles, the weaker the depression

Does physical strength affect the likelihood and severity of depression?
This issue was taken up by scientists from the University of Washington.
They were inspired to do this study by the fact that women are diagnosed with depression about twice as often as men. This is a known fact, but not well understood.

If we roughly compare men and women, then men are on average 7-8 percent taller and 15 percent heavier. But if you look at the composition of the body, then the difference is much greater. On average, men have 61% more muscle mass, with 78% more muscle in the upper arms (biceps). This results in a 90% increase in arm strength compared to women.

The researchers used data from 8,576 participants to measure levels of depression (including suicidal thoughts) and grip strength, taking the highest of three attempts for each hand.

And they found a connection between hand strength and suicidal tendencies, low interest in life and bad mood: the stronger the person, the less and less these conditions are.
But, for example, strength seems to have almost no effect on appetite.

Often depression occurs after conflicts, in response to violence. And a physically strong person is easier to resist here, but the weak alone cannot cope.

There is also an endocrinological explanation: the more muscle mass, the faster it consumes the stress hormone cortisol.

In general, the conclusion is simple: it is better to be healthy and strong than weak and sick. And playing sports solves much more problems than it might seem.

Autonomic Nervous System on Intestine

The main part of the human nervous system is the central nervous system. It is represented by the brain and spinal cord.

The central nervous system regulates the work of the internal organs of a person and ensures the coordination of their activities.

Now we pass to the most interesting.

Did you know that the gut has its own autonomic nervous system that can function independently of the brain and spinal cord? And by the number of neurons is comparable to the spinal cord?

It is called the intestinal (enteral) nervous system, it originates along with the walls of the intestine and is actually “built into” it. Someone beautifully compared it to a lacy women’s stocking. It is believed that the entire higher nervous system and even the brain originated from the nervous system inside the intestinal tube.

The intestinal nervous system consists of the Auerbach (intermuscular) plexus and the Meissner (submucosal) plexus (see photo).

Nerve cells of the Auerbach plexus are responsible for peristalsis, rhythmic contractions of the muscles of individual segments of the intestine to mix food with enzymes, and other “movements” of the intestine.

The surface layer of the Meissner plexus regulates the motility of the digestive tract, and its deep layer regulates the secretion of the mucous layer.

Together, these nerves ensure the normal functioning of the intestines.

Thanks to the presence of its own nervous system, our intestines can work and live their lives even when we sleep.

Why is it important?

Because a cancerous tumor is well aware of the presence of nerves in the intestine and can interact closely with them. And this interaction, unfortunately, is not in favor of a person.

Cancer cells use intestinal nerves as pathways for metastasis. How and why this happens, read this article.

Perineural invasion

Photomicrograph showing prostate cancer (common adenocarcinoma) with perineural invasion

Cancer cells can grow into the nerves of the gut and use them as pathways for metastasis. How does this happen?

There are several types of perineural invasion when tumor cells:

  1. approach the outer layer of the nerve fiber without its sprouting
  2. penetrate the nerve
  3. grow into the intestinal wall along their own nerve plexuses

Mechanistically, we imagine that the tumor divides, grows and at some point grows into the nerve fibers. In fact, each nerve is surrounded by a sheath of dense collagen and basement membrane. It’s not easy to break this defense.

But the tumor copes with this task. It releases substances that make a hole in the membrane, cancer cells penetrate inside the nerve and spread their metastases further.

Perineural invasion is one of the parameters that is included in the TNM system – the international classification of tumors. The need to describe this parameter appeared recently. Previously, this information could not be specified.

Often, pathologists are asked to additionally describe the nature of the invasion – to clarify whether there is a germination of the tumor into the nerve, or a single tumor cell is simply dangerously close.

Perineural invasion worsens the prognosis of disease-free survival. Moreover, if the tumor grows inside the nerve fiber, this worsens the prognosis by another 20%.

The most incredible thing is that the tumor and the nerves interact with each other. Nerve tissue helps cancer cells grow and grow around themselves, but scientists haven’t figured out why yet.

The tumor also initiates the growth of nervous tissue around itself, which it uses as paths along which it will spread further into the tissues.

In any case, if cancer cells were able to overcome the protective barrier of the nerve, this indicates their aggressiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment without delay. It will not be easy to cope with metastases, here even chemotherapy is often unable to help.

The parameter perineural invasion is very important. In conjunction with other parameters, it allows you to correctly assess the potential of the tumor to spread over long distances and plan postoperative treatment.

White coating on the tongue. How dangerous?

White coating on the tongue is usually not a serious disease and is easily treated, but this is not a reason to give up on the problem and postpone a visit to the dentist until better times. In this post, we look into some of the causes of this condition.

What causes white coating ?

There are many reasons. If the condition is associated with inflammation of the papillae (hypertrophy), the cause may be poor hygiene, dehydration, mechanical irritation of the soft tissues, a burn, a new diet, or excessive alcohol consumption.

If the symptoms do not go away for several days or get worse, a white coating may indicate some diseases. For example, lichen planus, which affects more than just the oral tissues, can present with white patches on the tongue, inside of the cheeks, and inflamed gums. Oral thrush is a fungal infection with vivid symptoms that causes a lot of inconvenience, but is easily treatable. Or leukoplakia – a disease of the mucous membrane. It appears as white spots that cannot be removed mechanically.

When should you see a doctor?

It is worth visiting a therapist or dentist if the tongue begins to hurt, and the pain does not go away or intensifies. Also, the reason for a visit to a specialist should be white spots on the tongue – if you find them, do not delay going to the doctor until better times.

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Dark Spots. What can You Do about Hyperpigmentation

Considering that now everyone has got out to bask in the sun, and most likely without sunscreen, the topic is more than relevant.

Causes of dark spots:

  1. The most common cause of hyperpigmentation is a reaction to the sun, to ultraviolet radiation. Fortunately, it is also the most quickly removable. As a rule, it appears in people who are predisposed, sensitive, who, even with little exposure to the sun, become covered with spots.
  2. In the second position – post-traumatic pigmentation. Darkening of the skin occurs after burns, cuts, some kind of damage, as well as after invasive procedures by cosmetologists or operations. Also easy to clean up.
  3. But this reason is complex: hormone-dependent pigmentation. As a rule, it occurs in women after 30-40 years and directly depends on its hormonal status. It is quite difficult to remove it, and this must be done together with treatment by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. But in any case, dark spots can be lightened very much, and the effect will be striking.


The most basic method of medical cosmetology that works with hyperpigmentation is photocoagulation, or IPL therapy. Intense pulsed light is used, for which the target is a dark skin pigment – the protein melanin. From exposure, it collapses, it may seem that the stain becomes as if darker, but after a few days it sharply brightens and disappears. One procedure is enough for someone, someone needs to repeat it.
This is the most efficient method.

Also, hyperpigmentation is fought with the help of exfoliating peels, which remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin. There are also methods of working with a laser – grinding. These are more invasive procedures and should be done in autumn and winter.

And phototherapy can be done at any time, the only thing is not for a fresh tan. And after the procedure, it is better to avoid the sun for a month.

As for various serums, creams and other brightening cosmetics, it may well work as a supportive agent. Read reviews on the Net, try.

And, of course, it is necessary to use protective equipment when going outside. In the summer with an SPF of at least 50.

Hypertension: how to correctly diagnose?

Spoiler! Measure the pressure with a tonometer if: the numbers are above 140/90 mm Hg, then this may be it. But before you make a diagnosis, you need to know a few things about blood pressure.

Pressure is a dynamic quantity, it constantly changes depending on the needs of the body. Those. if you sit quietly, it is one (x), if you decide to run, it is another (y).

In the latter case, the pressure is likely to be higher than 140/90 mmHg. But that doesn’t mean you have hypertension. It is normal when pressure rises during physical or emotional stress – this is how the body increases blood flow to organs that work at high speeds (muscles if you run, the brain if you are stressed).

When we talk about hypertension, we mean high resting blood pressure. Because it is in peace that we are most of our lives. The vessels will cope with high pressure during physical or emotional stress, mainly because it does not last too long.

But if a person has high pressure at rest, then every day, every second, the vessels rhythmically take on an increased load from the excessive shock wave that the heart creates. No breaks, no “rest”, knock after knock. This means that there is a high probability that sooner or later somewhere (more often in the brain and in the vessels that feed the heart) the vessel can “leak out” and burst. Outcome: stroke or heart attack. Often fatal.

Therefore, one of the most important factors in the diagnosis of hypertension is correctly measured blood pressure. Because the diagnosis is based only on the numbers on the tonometer. And if there is an error, then all subsequent conclusions can be flushed down the toilet – they are incorrect. As practice shows, quite a lot of patients do not pay attention to this fact.

How to measure pressure correctly? It’s very simple.

Firstly, before the measurement, you can not smoke, drink coffee, play sports – at least 30 minutes must pass.

Secondly, before the actual measurement, you need to sit on a chair and sit quietly for 3-5 minutes.

Thirdly, you need to measure the pressure not 1, but 3 times, with an interval between measurements of at least 1 minute. It often happens that the first measurement gives high numbers, and 2-3 – normal. Focus on the 3rd dimension.

Fourth, the “white coat syndrome”: if the pressure is high at the doctor’s office, but normal at home, focus on the one at home. White coat syndrome is when the patient is subconsciously afraid of the doctor, which causes the pressure to rise, as if he was in real danger. Just show the doctor the pressure figures that you recorded at home. Remember that we are interested in REST pressure, which means that you need to measure in a calm environment.

Fifth, even if you have never suffered from hypertension, the pressure should be measured at least once a year. Because the pressure “does not hurt”, does not give any symptoms. So you can live with hypertension and not even suspect about it – and this is fraught with premature death.

Sixth, if you measure pressure on different hands, focus on the hand on which the numbers are higher.

So, hypertension is when a correctly measured resting pressure is consistently above 140/90 mmHg.