What is The Best Protein Powder for Lactose Intolerance?

What is The Best Protein Powder for Lactose Intolerance?

It has been a while since I have talked about supplement so I thought that today I would focus on probably the most used supplement on the market, protein powder.

We all know that protein powder is the staple of any gym goers diet, but as someone with numerous food allergies, I wanted to take a look at what protein powders have been created for sufferers of lactose intolerance.

As protein powders go, more often than not, you think of whey protein. This easily digested form of protein is often the first choice of athletes and fitness fanatics throughout the world. However, as a milk byproduct, this can be a serious issue for sufferers of lactose intolerance.

So what options are out there if you want help meeting your fitness goals but are hindered by lactose intolerance? Well, let’s take a look.

A photo posted by Janae LaFleur (@cymbfitness) on Nov 1, 2015 at 1:49pm PST

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose is a type of sugar you find in milk products. Lactose intolerance is a condition where your body cannot digest lactose, so, you develop an allergy to any product which contains it.

Many people experience uncomfortable symptoms as soon as an hour after eating something with lactose in. These symptoms can including bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Like many food allergies and sensitivities, there are a number of levels of lactose intolerance. One person may be able to drink 3 glasses of milk before they would have any symptoms, where another may not even be able to stomach one mouthful.

Lactose intolerance is similar to many food allergies. Like nut or gluten allergies, the only treatment is to stop consuming lactose entirely.  

Lactose Free Protein Powder Options

Whey protein is hands down the most popular form of protein powder. Unfortunately, as whey is comes from milk, it can often have a high lactose content.  Anyone who cannot consume lactose may experience serious symptoms after consuming protein powder.

After doing my research, I have found that there are a now a number of protein powder options which are suitable for sufferers of lactose intolerance. Obviously manufacturers have seen a gap in the market and a new lactose free range has arisen.

I want to share those options with you, so that anyone with a lactose sensitivity can try these products and not miss out on the muscle building goodness protein powder has to offer.

Whey Protein Isolate

A photo posted by Michael Pløger Paag (@mppaag) on Jan 18, 2017 at 7:26am PST

Whey is a very high-quality protein source, it contains all of the essential amino acids and is absorbed as quickly as 15 minutes after you drink it. This makes it an ideal supplement after a brutal workout, to hit that 30 minute post workout window and reap all the muscle building and repairing benefits.

As mentioned, you find whey protein in milk. When milk is acidified, you are left with a hard substance called curd and a liquid called whey. Once you remove the water from whey you are left with powder that can be sold to the muscle building masses.

But there are a number of forms of whey protein. One of which is whey protein isolate. This is processed to such a high level that it contains very little lactose. The National Strength and Conditioning Association states that whey protein isolate is safe for people with lactose intolerance.

Soy Protein

A photo posted by @clean_eats_szn on Jan 17, 2017 at 11:16am PST

According to the Linus Pauling Institute, soy protein is both a great source of protein and a key component in heart and bone health.

As soy protein (or soy protein isolate) does not contain any milk products (as it comes from soybeans) it is safe for anyone who is lactose intolerant to enjoy.

Pea Protein

A photo posted by Food Porn, Vegan Style (@foodpornveganstyle) on Mar 23, 2016 at 11:43pm PDT

Pea protein is made from yellow split peas (think ‘peas pudding hot, peas pudding cold, peas pudding in the pot five days old’)

Pea protein is completely lactose free as it is a plant based protein.

Hemp Protein

A photo posted by holi-chica (@holinchica) on Jan 18, 2017 at 3:54am PST

Hemp seeds, the health building superfood every nutritionist is raving about can also be made into a protein powder. As it is totally milk free, it is great for lactose intolerance sufferers and vegans too!

Brown Rice Protein

A photo posted by @olive_and_cookie on Jan 18, 2017 at 5:18am PST

Believe it or not, whole grain brown rice offers a huge protein source and excellent amino acid profile which is the closest to mother’s milk.

Brown rice protein is a particular favorite among vegans and is of course, lactose free naturally.

Wheat Protein

A photo posted by Maharashtra Clickers (@maharashtra_clickers) on Jan 18, 2017 at 2:02am PST

Wheat protein powder is made by using the gluten found in wheat. Another popular plant based protein great for anyone looking for a lactose free option, this would not be suitable though for those with a gluten or wheat sensitivity.

Beef Protein

A photo posted by Wagyu Beef (@wagyu_beef) on Jan 17, 2017 at 3:20pm PST

Beef protein is derived from the lean beef of grass-fed cows rather than milk. Beef protein is just that, pure beef.  Although not for anyone who follows a vegan diet, it’s a great lactose free option.

Egg Protein

A photo posted by Márcio santos. (@treinadorpessoalmarciosantos) on Jan 11, 2017 at 9:32am PST

Egg protein has been touted as the ‘gold standard’ source of protein due to its incredible bioavailability. Although, be prepared for an eggy aftertaste!


Iron Deficiency: Are Your Workouts Putting You At Risk?

Iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies throughout the entire world. An enormous percentage of the population are deficient in iron stores to some degree and many may not even realise. If you’re a fitness fanatic, you are particularly at risk. So what is iron deficiency and how do you fix the issue? Read on to find out.

A photo posted by myrasvitaminshop (@myrasvitaminshop) on Dec 17, 2016 at 1:28pm PST

“Iron deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world” according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Seriously low levels of iron can lead to extreme illness and is something you should try to rectify immediately. I personally experienced severe iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and it can become very nasty. Constant fatigue, headaches, sickness and even lightheadedness and fainting.

Are you at risk? In honesty the only way to be sure is to be tested, however, if you are working out hard on a regular basis and in particular a woman, you are likely to be at higher risk of becoming iron deficient.

What is Iron and Who Needs It?

Everyone needs iron. It is one of our essential nutrients, meaning your body can’t produce enough on its own and we must consume it in our daily diets.

Iron is needed for a number of bodily functions, most prominently as a key component in hemoglobin (found in the blood). But iron also ensures that your muscular and skeletal systems grow and form properly.


A photo posted by Dyt. Aylin Tunç (@aylinntunc) on Dec 20, 2016 at 12:25am PST

How Much Iron Do We Need?

Women need more iron on a daily basis than men. This is because women are more prone to iron loss because of their menstrual cycle. Therefore, women are at higher risk of iron deficiency. Men need about 8 milligrams of iron daily and women need around 18 milligrams daily. This is the recommended daily value (RDV).

Regardless of whether you’re male or female, if you are an athlete, a bodybuilder or just general fitness fanatic, you are at risk of low iron stores due to loss of iron through sweat. Moreover, runners have a higher risk of low iron stores. There is a phenomenon where the repetitive action of your foot hitting the floor causes your red blood cells to break down faster and increase the loss of iron. This is called footstrike hemolysis.

How To Boost Your Iron StoresEat an Iron Rich Diet

The ultimate way to get optimal levels of iron is by consuming an iron rich diet. There are two types of iron:

Heme Iron

Which is derived from hemoglobin in meat sources. Our body utilises this type of iron much better and can be found in a number of sources:

Great Sources:

  • Shellfish

  • Liver

  • Oysters

Good Sources:

  • Sardines

  • Turkey

  • Beef

  • Lamb

Okay Sources:

  • Chicken

  • Fish

  • Pork

Non-Heme Iron

Is found in plant sources. Although this is another good source of iron, it is not used as efficiently by the body. There are many sources including:

Great Sources:

  • Tofu

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Sesame Seeds

  • Spinach

  • Iron enriched cereals

Good Sources:

  • Beans

  • Broccoli

  • Potatoes

Okay Sources:

  • Nuts

  • Dried Fruit

  • Leafy Greens

A photo posted by Fibromyalgia Warrior (@therealhousewifeoffibromyalgia) on Dec 3, 2016 at 9:10pm PST

 Eat Iron With Vitamin C

Vitamin C aids absorption of iron, so while eating a juicy steak, have a glass of fresh orange juice to wash it down.

Avoid Mixing Iron Rich Foods With Caffeine or Dairy

Both caffeine and dairy can decrease your iron absorption by up to 62%. Therefore, if you have iron rich cereal for for breakfast, try having your cup of tea before you eat.

Try Supplementation

A photo posted by Cari Llewelyn Jones (@cari_llewelyn) on Nov 28, 2016 at 12:30pm PST

If you feel your iron stores are at risk of being depleted, then supplementation could be an excellent way of boosting your levels.

You can try a multivitamin supplement for overall, optimum health. A traditional women’s multivitamin will provide you with the RDV of 18mg of iron. However, if you are deficient in iron, you could benefit more from an individual iron supplement with up to 30mg per serving.

It is important to note, that too much iron can also be a bad thing, so if you feel you could be at risk of low stores, speak to your doctor and have your levels tested before choosing an iron supplements with a high level of iron.

Also, try choosing an iron supplement that ends in “ate” such as ferrous sulfate, gluconate, and fumarate as these are more easily absorbed by the body.


Supplement Mistakes: Could Your Post Workout Shake Be Killing Your Diet?

The post workout shake is the gold standard of fitness. It is told to every gym goer that a post workout protein shake is as essential to a successful fitness regime as the workout content itself. If you are looking to gain muscle, then this is the way to go. But if you are trying to reach a fat loss goal, then it could be ruining you your diet.

A photo posted by Clare (@finding_clareity) on Dec 16, 2016 at 10:02am PST

Regardless of whether you are an experienced lifter or new to fitness and looking to start an epic workout regime, everyone has heard of the post workout shake. Pretty much as soon as you get your first induction on the use of gym equipment, you are told how you should be finishing off your last set of reps with a protein shake.

It has become the law of workouts and something that everyone thinks is completely necessary in order to succeed in terms of your workout goals. The problem is, it is all well and good if you are an experienced gym user with a good idea about proper nutrition. But for those who are looking to simply lose weight and tone up and haven’t had much experience with fitness, a post workout shake could actually be more of a hinderance to your diet than a help.

There are three main mistakes people make time and time again when it comes to the post workout shake which I want to bring your attention to as well as how you can fix them.

Mistake Number One: Sugar Overload

For years now we have been pushed to get that post workout shake in, in that small window of time when all the carbs will be quickly broken down and sent to your muscles, in order to help you get those epic gains.

However, many protein shake and smoothie recipes designed to aid the ultimate muscle recovery and growth are calling for nutella, peanut butter and fruit juices to be combined in your shake. I hate to break it to you, but these contain serious sugar and calorie contents and can easily take up 75% of your daily caloric intake in one shake.

Plus, although these may quickly replenish your carb stores, you aren’t going to feel full for very long. Let’s face it, if your daily calorie allowance is 1200 and your post workout shake comes out at a whopping 800 calories plus, you aren’t leaving yourself much room for the rest of the day.

Mistake Number Two: Your Shake is Your Main Meal

For many people who use post workout shakes, they use this as their biggest meal of the day. They pile all of their calories and half of their kitchen into a blender. The problem is, thus means your daily calories are being distributed totally unevenly. This can be a total killer for your diet especially if you workout first thing in the morning.

By piling most of your calories into one meal you are left feeling ridiculously hungry for the entire day and often completely exhausted.

Mistake Number Three: Believing You Need a Post Workout Shake

It has been pushed so much that everyone believes the only way to get gains is by demolishing a high calorie, sugar packed shake the minute their workout is over. But this is not the case!

You can aid recovery and promote muscle growth just as well with a well balanced daily diet of whole foods. This will ensure you’re not hungry throughout the day unlike a diet where your main meal is in liquid form.

By choosing a whole food post workout meal, you can choose an option which is packed with fibre. This will help to slow down your digestion meaning you will feel fuller for longer. Even if you’re packing your post workout shake with fruit or oats, by blending them, they become less starchy.

In Conclusion

In order to aid recovery and promote fullness, try a plate of lean protein, lots and lots of vegetables and healthy carbs as well as plenty of water. Spreading this out across the day will help distribute your calories evenly.


Fish Oil Supplements: Wonder Pill or Health Fad

So in the fitness community many things come and go as to what is fashionable. Tis even applies to supplements. One of the more popular supplements currently are marine oil supplements such as fish oil and krill oil. With an abundance of health benefits from improving your mental health to helping you drop a few pounds, they seem too good to be true. So let’s see what fish oil supplements are really all about.

What Are Fish Oil Supplements?

Essential fatty acids are long chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids that you body is incapable of producing and needs to obtain solely from dietary foods.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and omega 6 (linoleic acid). There is also the non essential omega-9.

Essential fatty acids have a number of roles within the body including:

  • Promotes healthy hair

  • Thyroid and adrenal gland activity

  • Brain development

  • The production of hormones

  • Breaking down cholesterol

  • Promoting healthy cell membrane formation

Although many people have heard about the importance of omega-3 and omega-6, most people aren’t aware how many problems being deficient in these essential fatty acids can cause.

Believe it or not, if you don’t get enough of these polyunsaturated fatty acids, it can lead to hair loss, impaired vision and even alter your mental state.

In fact, a lot of research is ongoing about the link between deficiency in omega-3s and mental health. One study found critically low levels in patients who had attempted suicide. It concluded that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation could be a possible step to take in the prevention of suicide.

Although both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important, it is thought that most people are majorly deficient in omega-3s when it comes to our diets.

What Are in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

When you eat something containing omega-3 fatty acids, they are then broken down into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Where Does Fish Oil Come From?

Fish oil is sourced from either deep water farmed or wild caught, cold water, oily fish. Most fish oil comes from sardines but can be salmon, herring, halibut, mackerel and albacore tuna.

What is Krill Oil?

A photo posted by Christine Khor (@christine.khor) on Oct 31, 2016 at 10:07am PDT

Krill oil is similar to fish oil in the sense it is another form of omega-3 supplement. Krill are small crustaceans which look similar to shrimp. They live in oceans throughout the world, however, those harvested to make krill oil tend to be from the atlantic ocean.

Krill are predominantly a major food source for larger marine life such as some fish and bigger predators like whales.

Which is Better Krill Oil or Fish Oil

Both types of marine oil are pretty similar at face value in the fact both offer omega-3 fatty acids. However, for the most part, krill oil is the superior of the two.

First of all, krill are more sustainable and are harvested economically. International organisations regulate how many krill can be caught each year in order to ensure marine animals are left with enough to eat.  Also they are free from heavy metals like mercury as well as rich with antioxidants.

What Are The Benefits of Omega-3 Supplements?

Omega-3s are crucial for a number of bodily processes as we have established. They can do everything from help dry eyes and cataracts, to prevent heart disease.

There is numerous ongoing research about the benefits of omega-3 supplementation and how they can benefit diseases and conditions. Current research has found that getting enough omega-3s can be beneficial to the following:

  • ADHA

  • Cancer

  • Alzheimer’s disease

  • Dimentica

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Depression

Omega-3s and Body Fat

There is also a lot of research that suggests omega-3s both aid weight loss by helping you to:

  • Burn more fat

  • Suppress appetite

  • Minimise fat stores

How to Get More Omega-3s 

A photo posted by Healthy Mums Club Australia (@healthymumsclub) on Nov 8, 2016 at 11:40pm PST

Of course, you can use supplements like fish oil in order to get the omega-3s you need. However, the best way to get enough omega-3s is through dietary forms.

You can get omega-3 from eating more oily fish (2-3 portions a week is recommended) including

  • Anchovies

  • Bluefish

  • Herring

  • Mackerel

  • Salmon (wild has more omega-3s than farmed)

  • Sardines

  • Sturgeon

  • Trout

  • Tuna

You can also get omega-3s from plant sources like walnuts and flaxseeds.

So it is clear to see that for optimum health, getting your fish oil supplements daily is a must!


Aloe Vera Juice for Radiant Skin

Aloe Vera is medicinal plant that can naturally heal and safeguard the body. The Aloe Vera plant can easily be found and its juice is consumed for internal healing. This plant is rich in nutrients and minerals, which are essential for human body. Aloe Vera juice can be applied externally and can also be consumed. Aloe Vera is an ultimate beauty enhancer, the minerals and proteins present in this herbal plant give you glowing and radiant skin after regular use. The Aloe Vera can be used in any form along with being a good beauty product it also has medicinal benefits.

Aloe Vera Juice For Ultimate Health Care https://t.co/tI5bEEf0mV

— herbsjoy (@Herbsjoyindia) October 20, 2016

Aloe Vera for Glowing Skin

Aloe Vera Juice for skin is a perfect solution to all your skin problems and it fights the signs of aging, moisturizes the skin, and makes you look young forever. The juice rejuvenates the skin, keeps it hydrated, prevents it from damaging, and makes you look fresh and attractive all day. The anti-microbial properties present in the juice are ideal to fight pimples and acne. This works as a wonderful anti-oxidant and flushes out the toxic materials present in the body to keep you young and healthy.

This juice also has a great property to retain the suppleness of the skin and it therefore works as an anti-aging agent. Aloe Vera gently works on the skin and reduces the blemishes, dark circles, scars, and gives you fair looking soft skin. The medicinal properties of this plant can also treat insect bites, sunshine burns, eczema, and any type of chronic wounds.

Other Benefits of the Aloe Vera

There are many other benefits of the Aloe Vera juice as it works as internal healer and helps to keep the body fit. The Aloe Vera juice benefits for weight loss naturally, the anti-oxidant properties of the juice works on the deposited fat in the body and helps you o lose weight. Being a powerful antioxidant and a wonderful source of polysaccharides, it strengthens the immune system and checks the growth of oxidative radicals in the body. With the regular intake of this juice, the internal system of the body remains free from toxins and this gradually results in healthy weight loss.

Benefits of Drinking the Juice

Therefore, there are not one but many benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice. This is the best natural healer you can find in your backyard. The benefits that you can get with the intake of this juice are numerous and some of them are listed below:

  • This gives an excellent support to your immune system.
  • It is very beneficial for the diabetic patients as it regulates the blood sugar level and lowers the blood pressure.
  • With the regular intake of this juice your digestive system improves, it is excellent for digestion.
  •  This is an easy and simple way to increase the intake of minerals and vitamins.
  • Excellent for hair growth and skin

The Aloe Vera juice is to be taken in small quantity ones or twice in a day.

Lose Weight Naturally with the Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera juice weight loss can be done effectively and naturally, the anti-oxidants present in its juice help you lose weight quickly by slowing down the growth of free radicals. Aloe Vera juice is also known to increase the metabolism of the body thus reducing the Body Mass Index (BMI) this turns the fats and carbohydrates into energy. This juice also helps in the production of collagen, the protein that leads to development of muscles. Collagen also leads to speeding up metabolism and it makes sure that the food is stored in the lower intestine just for short period of time. The richness of minerals and proteins present in this juice helps to burn calories and reduce the body fat.

Use Aloe Vera to Cure Different Ailments 

Aloe Vera Juice with fiber benefits and it can be consumed readily. It can be taken in combination with various things like lemons, strawberries, cucumber, green tea, pineapple, ginger etc. This is a powerful moisturizer and it heals scars and marks and also relieves pain. Aloe Vera Juice being natural laxative forces out food of the colon faster, it prevents constipation, improves digestion, and detoxifies the body. It also produces insulin in the body, controls the blood sugar level, and promotes gradual absorption of sugar.

So next time if you see an Aloe Vera plant keep in mind that your medical kit is right there with you.


Niacin ( Vitamin B3)

Ever since we were kids we were told to take our vitamins. Most of us have been taking vitamins for a long time, but we don’t have any idea about what they do, or how they will benefit us. We took them because our parents told us to, now we’re taking them because the doctor tells us to. Most dietary supplements offer many vitamins and macro or micro elements together. How many times have you bought a specific vitamin and not a vitaminic complex at the drugstore? Not that often, we imagine. Most of us don’t even know what vitamins are, but we still take them.

Vitamins are organic substances necessary for normal health and growth. They have a different chemical formula than other biological compounds like proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. All these substances are important for a healthy body, but almost all of the latter ones can be synthesized by the body in the necessary quantities.  

Most vitamins cannot be synthesized by your body in sufficient quantities, therefore you need to obtain them from your diet or from a supplement. Because vitamins are needed, albeit in small quantities, by biological compounds to complete their functions, like facilitating or controlling chemical reactions, they are called essential nutrients. If a vitamin is not present in you diet, a specific deficiency disease might develop.

Vitamin B3 Niacin – Everything You Need to Know About It https://t.co/rtwhqWFigy

— Nutrition Promise (@NutriPromise) September 29, 2016

Because most of the compounds you take as a dietary supplement try to fit all the possible ingredients in a small pill, many of them might not cover the daily requirements of a healthy body.

This is often the case with Niacin. Niacin, also called nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, is an organic compound essential to the human body. Insufficient niacin in your diet might manifest differently depending on each individual, but most patients complain of tiredness, nausea, headaches, skin, mouth lesions and anemia. If the deficit continues for a long time, pellagra, a specific disease might develop.

Pellagra is described in medical texts by “the three Ds”, because it usually starts manifesting itself with diarrhea and dermatitis, but ends in dementia. More symptoms include, but are not limited to alopecia (hair loss), edema (swelling), weakness, skin lesions, sensitivity to sunlight, insomnia, mental confusion, aggression, glossitis (tongue inflammation), and dilated cardiomyopathy (enlarged, but weakened heart).

To treat, or better yet prevent niacin deficiency and pellagra, make sure you have a steady supply of niacin in your diet. Niacin is found in rather large quantities in sunflower seeds, mushrooms, green peas, and peanuts.

Having a niacin rich diet is very good for you. Niacin has been used for several decades for treating cardiovascular diseases. It is used as a lipid-lowering drug. Niacin alongside fibrates are drugs that elevate high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc, the good kind) and lowers the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc, the bad one) and triglycerides (also bad for you). A recent study has shown that only by elevating the HDLc levels, niacin acts as a cardioprotective. Another study showed that taking it might reduce the incidence of vascular events.

But you can’t always think about incorporating sunflower seeds in your daily diet, or how to prepare mushrooms so they’ll taste good. Modern society is always on the run, and thinking about what you should eat in order to have all the vitamins you need would take up most of the day.

Sunflower seeds help to prevent cardiovascular disease https://t.co/0eAdhWrzKm pic.twitter.com/CWmFjcOzO6

— A Health Blog (@AHealthBlog) October 3, 2016

That’s why it’s better to take a dietary supplement. If you want to make sure you have the right amount of niacin in your diet, there is no better product than NiacinMax.

Most of the standard vitamin pills you take have to travel through your gastrointestinal tract. As soon as the pill goes into your mouth, it starts dissolving. This means that by the time it passes through your stomach, most of the nutrients are already gone from the pill. This usually takes between 2 to 4 hours, and in the meantime, some of the nutrients might be excreted, while just a small proportion of them will actually reach their target cells.

NiacinMax eliminates this problem. It avoids your digestive system entirely and delivers the niacin directly into your bloodstream to be carried to the target cells. NiacinMax is a thin strip of film that dissolves on your tongue. This allows the niacin to be absorbed by the mucosal tissue in your mouth and go straight into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This is also great for people that suffer from an irritable stomach, they don’t have to swallow pills any longer.

As we’ve already demonstrated, nutrients are necessary for every healthy body. But nutrients are very sensitive. They don’t stand much chance when they meet the acids and enzymes in your gastrointestinal tract. In fact, studies have shown that 85-90% of the active ingredients of a conventional supplement end up passed as waste by your body. That literally means you’re flushing them down the toilet.

Ever heard of the #Niacin flush? Well ours is a little different… https://t.co/58h8Tc1Uf2 pic.twitter.com/xrBaSV5QWs

— NiacinMax (@NiacinMax) October 10, 2016

That’s why NiacinMax uses a special technology that allows the niacin to pass untouched and straight into the target cells. The niacin is surrounded by liposomes, that protect it like  armor,  shielding it from damage until it reaches the bloodstream. The liposomes look like microscopic, double-layered bubbles, but they are specially formulated using high amounts of the best phosphatidylcholine (PC). This not only protects the niacin, but it actually makes you healthier in the process. This type of phospholipid keeps your cell membranes healthy by providing them with a vital form of nourishment, and produces true, strong liposomes with great stability and bioavailability.   

Visit The Official NiacinMax Website Now

These features make NiacinMax the perfect dietary supplement. Despite the fact that you can find cheaper supplements that advertise a higher niacin amount, you have to keep in mind that the bioavailability of all other products is only 10 – 15%, while all the active ingredients in NiacinMax will reach their target cells in tact. This delivery system ensures that the thin strip of film is 45 times more effective than a 100mg pill.  

Boost your oxygen levels and reach your peak physical performance. Experience unrivalled performance today. https://t.co/QmglxMdcN1 pic.twitter.com/dHFB5RVqa1

— NiacinMax (@NiacinMax) October 10, 2016


Niacin and weightlifting performance

What’s Niacin?

Niacin is a vitamin. It’s also called vitamin b3 or nicotinic acid and it’s essential to the human body. Vitamins are organic substances that are necessary for a normal, healthy body.

Where do I get it?

Niacin is usually found in the types of food everybody recommends, from nutritionists to fitness trainers. You can usually find large quantities of it in green vegetables such as green peas, in meat, especially salmon and cooked chicken breast, cereal grains, eggs, milk, and yeast.

What does it do?

All the vitamins in the B complex are essential for your body. They help it convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used as energy. They also help with the metabolization of proteins and fats, help with the function of the nervous system and are also indispensable for healthy skin, eyes, and hair, as well as a healthy liver.

Niacin, in particular, is responsible for elevating the HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and lowering the LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). This way it protects against cardiovascular diseases.  

Benefits of Lowering the LDL Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels are known to clog the blood vessels. Niacin may be able to prevent that. In a study, a group of men that suffered a heart attack took three grams of niacin each day and presented an average of 10% reduction in TBL (total blood cholesterol), a 26% decrease in FHT (fat-holding triglycerides), a 27% reduction in recurrent heart attacks and a 26% reduction in strokes when compared to a group of men that were taking a placebo.

Benefits of Increasing the HDL Cholesterol

A recent study has shown that 2 to 3 grams of niacin per day (usually combined with other cholesterol-lowering substances) will increase your HDL levels. This, in turn, acts as a cardioprotective.  

Other Benefits

Niacin is also a powerful antioxidant. The effect is not quick, it usually happens 3 to 5 hours after taking niacin, but you have to keep in mind this is a vitamin, not a synthetic compound.

Niacin is also believed to be able to “turbocharge” the response of the growth hormone to anaerobic exercise. A study has shown that growth hormone secretion rose by 300%, while another has shown that the spike in growth hormone secretion rose by 600%. These peaks were achieved in both studies, 300 minutes (5 hours) after taking niacin.

10 Most Used Growth Hormone Pills in the Bodybuilding World https://t.co/XaEAltMy6q pic.twitter.com/iKuyv2vDFw

— Mag4Men (@Mag4Men) September 28, 2016

How to Use It

According to these two studies, if you take niacin around 5 hours before your workout, you might get several benefits. The peak of growth hormone will help you boosts your exercise capability.

In order to make the most of niacin, you need to take it 3 -5 hours before you start working out. The main problem with most niacin pills is that they spend a lot of time in your stomach before they’re dissolved. Because of that waiting time, most of the nutrient is excreted as waste, and only a small proportion (10-15%) of it will reach your blood, and eventually the target cell.

Another Solution

An easier solution to this problem is to take NiacinMax. The product comes in the form of a thin film you put under your tongue. This way, the nutrient is absorbed by the mucosal tissue in the mouth and it bypasses the entire digestive tract. Because of this unique delivery system, a larger quantity of nutrients enter the cells, making for a much more effective supplement. By bypassing the digestive system, more niacin will be in your blood and in the target cells, so its effects will be more powerful, and the release of the growth hormone will be higher.

Rapidly absorbed, direct to cell delivery makes NiacinMax the most bioavailable niacin #supplement on the market https://t.co/QmglxMdcN1 pic.twitter.com/a66Qi6f1sI

— NiacinMax (@NiacinMax) October 4, 2016

The Benefits of Using NiacinMax

  • NiacinMax improves oxygen circulation by up to 50% by increasing your blood flow, boosting your red blood cell count and protecting your cells from oxidative damage.

  • NiacinMax supercharges your Growth Hormone levels by over 600%, boosting your muscle growth and helping you recover more quickly from your training.

  • NiacinMax delivers more oxygen to your brain. It enables you to make decisions faster and to have a more lucid mind. This will also allow you to react quickly and adapt to any situation during sports.

  • NiacinMax increases your stamina. The increased blood flow removes the metabolic waste faster, delaying fatigue. You’ll be able to do the extra set you’ve always wanted.

Visit The Official NiacinMax Website Now


Next Generation: Niacin Supplement

Niacin is also known as vitamin B3. Both terms can be used interchangeably. Although it is a bit less commonly used as a dietary supplement by the physically active population, niacin has great benefits for your health and should be seriously considered as a part of your daily supplementation.

Niacin as a general supplement

For general supplementation in active people, niacin can be taken at a low, risk-free dosage. This follows widely spread recommendations meant for the medical use of the vitamin, that can cause liver damage or gastrointestinal issues.

Actually, we are all taking it everyday without even realizing. Indeed, niacin can be naturally found in foods such as green vegetables, meat (lamb, beef), poultry, fish (tuna and salmon in particular), peanuts, brown rice and eggs. It is also present in most multivitamin pills and pre-workout formulas. In general, as niacin can cause stomach problems, it is recommended that you take it with food.

10 Vegetables That You Can Grow All Year Long! https://t.co/DVUjsNeHpA pic.twitter.com/EKFdBbvguU

— One Green Planet (@OneGreenPlanet) October 6, 2016

So, why would supplementing with more niacin be beneficial for your health and body? First of all, niacin plays an essential part in the conversion of fats, sugars and proteins into energy.

Niacin is also a powerful antioxidant that can prevent the formation of free radicals, which are significant components of cancerous disease. Antioxidant properties are also particularly useful for athletes, who are more exposed to cell damage than any other population category.

When supplementing with niacin, athletes have shown a staggering increase in their human growth hormone levels – almost twice the amount observed without the vitamin. As a reminder, human growth hormone has the ability to reduce the recovery time from injuries and to speed up muscle growth.

Smile Everyone pic.twitter.com/gzFcD2JYxU

— Athletes House (@house4athletes) October 10, 2016

Last but not least, niacin is used to treat fatigue and boost general energy levels by increasing your metabolism.

Overall, niacin is the ideal supplement to build physique and perform at a higher level. In that regard, it is very useful for athletes and physically active people who are looking for a safe and legal way to enhance their performance.

Niacin flush

Flushing is probably the most common side effect you may encounter while supplementing with niacin. As a reminder, flushing is a « harmless but uncomfortable redness and warmth in the face and neck ». This side effect usually wears off after a few days, when the body adapts to the new dosage of the vitamin. Extended-release formulas can be used to avoid this common side effect.

In any case, it is recommended that you always consult a physician before taking any new kind of supplementation.

Ever heard of the #Niacin flush? Well ours is a little different… https://t.co/58h8Tc1Uf2 pic.twitter.com/xrBaSV5QWs

— NiacinMax (@NiacinMax) October 10, 2016

What is the best niacin supplement?

NiacinMax is without a doubt the best niacin supplement available on the market at the moment. It acts very quickly, as it is delivered directly to the cells avoiding the digestive system as a whole. This is perfect for when you need a boost in energy just before a workout, for example. In addition, it can be taken anywhere, without water, and has a pleasant citrus taste.

How does it do that? NiacinMax is not a capsule or a pill, it is instead a thin strip of film that dissolves on your tongue. This also ensures maximum levels of bioavailability. NiacinMax is the fastest and most powerful niacin supplement on the market.

Another positive consequence of NiacinMax’s unique delivery system is the amount of niacin you actually need to ingest in order to get the desired results. As no nutrients are lost during the digestive process, NiacinMax is able to deliver great results with only 75mg of pure niacin per serving. A smaller dose of more efficient niacin, like that provided by NiacinMax means better results, delivered with less flush and no liver or digestive issues.

Even though regular niacin supplements are to be taken with food, NiacinMax can – and actually should – be taken on an empty stomach, as fatty acids brought in by food intake will lower the levels of human growth hormone built during exercise. In fact, NiacinMax is an incredible way to boost your levels of human growth hormone. Studies have shown an increase of more than 600% in human growth hormone levels after 30 minutes of exercise for athletes supplementing with NiacinMax. This is five times more than normal levels.

NiacinMax widens the blood vessels, allowing more red blood cells to be produced and thus more oxygen-rich blood flowing to your muscles. This will improve stamina, focus, endurance, muscle building and is particularly recommended before training or working out. Pumping your blood full of oxygen is also known as blood building. In other words, NiacinMax is a safe and legal way to perform blood building, which is particularly sought after among bodybuilders and athletes alike.

As higher oxygen levels help reduce the amount of lactic acid present in the body, NiacinMax is a great way to delay the apparition of fatigue and muscle burn during intense training, as well as to reduce soreness after an intense training session.

We’d love you to join our Facebook Community too! Stay up to date with the latest deal and offers as they happen. https://t.co/uBETJ4xo5N pic.twitter.com/hNOEDDrhNZ

— NiacinMax (@NiacinMax) October 5, 2016

However, NiacinMax can also be taken on non training days. In this case, it will help keep levels of human growth hormone secretion high and will increase the pace of your recovery and muscle growth. As 70% of natural human growth hormone is produced while we sleep, taking NiacinMax before bed is a great idea as well.

Visit The Official NiacinMax Website Now


Staying Overweight Increases Your Risk of Cancer!

Obesity is a widespread problem for everyone – men, women and children. This ever-increasing issue is alarming, especially with more and more people growing sicker each decade. Being overweight has shown to increase your chances of all types of diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. But for women, staying overweight has also shown to increase risks of breast cancer, kidney cancer and endometrial cancer. This is why you should work out – for fitness and health! You can buy HGH injections, which is a supplement that can enhance and hasten your exercise results.

The Link Between Excess Weight and Cancer

There’s an estimated 500,000 cancer cases each year that are due to obesity (global numbers). You don’t want to contribute to this statistic, which is why you need to start exercising using supplements like Genotropin and the Norditropin pen, which you can buy from a seller online. The Norditropin pen comes with HGH premixed with the correct dosage.

Obesity is known to increase your risk of cancer in a number of ways. For instance, breast cancer and endometrial cancer are very sensitive to estrogen, which fat cells produce. This is also why parents of obese children should be concerned. Carrying around excess estrogen and fat will only increase your chances of getting cancer over time. People today are at risk of being overweight over the course of a lifetime, especially if no changes are made to their diet and lifestyle.

One of the biggest contributors of cancer and obesity is sugar. Consuming a lot of sugar not only causes you to gain weight, but it also feeds cancer. So one of the first things you should do to fight cancer is to stop eating sugar. It’s important to transition from a high-sugar diet to a high-fat diet. These fats should come from a health source like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados and so on. These break down easier in the body and also helps to discourage the growth of cancer.

Stop Following the Wrong Health Advice

A lot of people have been given false health advice over the decades. This is mainly from corporations, pumping out misleading ads, which only benefitted their pockets. For instance, you’ve likely heard that the keys to losing weight is to cut calories, eat foods that are low-calorie or have no calories, avoid saturated fats and to snack throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels even.

In reality, you should eat lots of fruit (natural sugar), coconut and olive oil (healthy fats) and clean foods. If you’re eating a balanced whole food diet, you won’t have to count calories. This will ensure you get sufficient nutrients and fiber to prevent weight gain. 

Can Exercise Enhance Your Memory & Cognition?#buyHGH #norditropin https://t.co/I170bCQQaj

— HGHmeds_com.mx (@HGHmeds_com_mx) September 27, 2016Exercise to Fight Fat and Cancer

Along with a healthy diet, you need to be exercising. This is key for shedding weight and keeping it off. You’ve likely heard that working out can help enhance your metabolism rate, but did you know that it also benefits your mitochondrial health? This is what keeps your reactive oxygen species (ROS) at higher levels, which helps increase production of mitochondria. When this happens, your energy enhances and even aids in cancer prevention.

Here are some of the other ways exercise can reduce your cancer risk:

  • Decreases your resistance to insulin, which shows to significantly reduce your chances of cancer, since it helps to keep sugar levels down, which discourages the cancer cell growth.
  • Enhances bio functions that inhibit cancer growth, such as your immune system, antioxidant defense, hormone levels, DNA repair and energy balance.
  • Boosts blood circulation, increasing the delivery of oxygen to your tissues and liver, which helps to detoxify your body of harmful substances that can contribute to cancer growth.
  • Stimulates SIRT1 and AMPK, which helps to stop aging and cancer.

There are plenty of studies out there that show the benefits exercise has on cancer prevention efforts. The numbers vary from study to study, but the results are all the same – working out helps to decrease your chances of getting cancer. Most claim that physical activity can decrease your chances of breast cancer and colon cancer by 20 to 30 percent and 30 to 40 percent.

Exercise isn’t something that can be avoided or replaced. If you’re looking to get faster results, then buy HGH from an online seller. 


What Supplements Are Best For Growing Muscle?

Most vitamins and minerals you need you should be getting from your healthy diet. If you aren’t getting the proper nutrients from your food that you’re eating, that’s where supplementation comes in. That being said, there are only a few supplements I would really recommend.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is easily the most common and widely used supplement in the body building and fitness world. Whey Protein is a protein derived from the cheese making process. Whey protein has a high biological value, meaning that more of the protein is actually used for muscle building by your body. It also contains high levels of essential and branched chain amino acids, which researchers believe could be the most important for muscle. Whey protein is also fast to digest, and just plain convenient. Protein is important because it is an essential nutrient that is responsible for many functions, such as helping the building of tissue, cells and muscles. Protein also has essential amino acids in it. Muscle growth counts on enough proteins being available. That means you require a balance between protein intake and protein breakdown, called protein balance. When you lift heavy weights your muscles begin protein breakdown. The body will then begin splitting amino acids into energy or using them to manufacture new protein. You always need more protein then you are breaking down. A rule of thumb is to have 1-2g per kilogram of bodyweight per day.

It is possible to get enough of your daily protein from foods, but many find it easy to supplement with whey protein to get an adequate amount of protein in for their training regimen.


A vitamin is a small molecule that is need by your body to carry out certain reactions. Your body cannot make vitamin molecules on its own, so the vitamin molecules have to come in through either foods that you eat or through a multivitamin. The human body is known to need at least thirteen different vitamins. What a multivitamin does it make sure you have your daily needs of vitamins. It is possible to get all the nutrients you need just in the food you eat, but it never hurts to take a multivitamin just to be safe. Multivitamins contain all the essentail vitamins you need and minerals that your body requires as well including some trace minerals.


Creatine is basically a fuel source for ATP, also known as adenosine triphosphate, which is an energy system used for short burst of power in in your body. Creatine is a supplement that has shown great benefits for bodybuilders in particular. Creatine enhances the body’s capacity to perform high intensity work, enhances recovery, enhances muscle volumization, increases brain function, improves glucose tolerance, and improves bone healing. The most widely used form of creatine is creatine monohydrate. Researchers have reported that those who use creatine can expect improved strength and enhanced muscle size. Creatine is also naturally occuring in foods such as beef and steak. Below is a video explaining creatine more:

Those are the three supplements I only really recommend, most everything else is just the big companies trying to get more money from you.



BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids) are the building blocks of the body. They make up 35% of your muscle mass and must be present for molecular growth and development to take place. I did not include this on the list of supplements you need because I already listed protein, and proteins are made up of amino acids, and you can get most BCAA’s from eating a proper diet, but like with multivitamins, it never hurts to supplement this and make sure you are getting what you need when you work out. BCAA’s combine simpler amino acids to form a complex whole muscle tissue.

In the end, supplements are just that – supplementation. Nothing will get you results like hard work and a proper diet/workout regimen. 


Branched Chain Amino Acids: The Importance of BCAAs in Bodybuilding

When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, ensuring proper nutrition along with your training is often the number one key to success. Sometimes, in order to succeed you need a helping hand from numerous supplements in order to ensure you are meeting your nutritional needs, even if it’s just a good old fashioned multi-vitamin. If you have made the decision to start lifting seriously, you need to consider what supplements you may need to achieve your goals.

In recent years, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) have become incredibly fashionable throughout the fitness industry in general. Although, when you become aware of the multitude of benefits BCAAs have to offer it is easy to see why. Assisting in muscle growth while maintaining lean muscle mass, along with aiding faster fat loss are just a few of the benefits that make branched chain amino acids so important.

Always #bcaas #asn #athlete #yeezy #yeezyboost #gymlife #gym #fitnessbloggers #Fitfashion #fit pic.twitter.com/mcQ3hQ7uRu

— Emily-Rose Baltus PT (@emilyb_fitness) August 21, 2016What Are Amino Acids?

Amino Acids are basically the building blocks for protein. Obviously, we all know that in terms of building muscles, protein is essential. Without protein, our muscles can not grow and despite the wide variety of proteins available, all are made up from just a handful of amino acids. From all 20 amino acids there are 8 which we call essential amino acids meaning our bodies can not naturally produce them so we must ingest them from food or as a nutritional supplement.

Amino Acids:

  • Alanine

  • Arginine

  • Aspartic Acide

  • Cysteine

  • Cystine

  • Glutamic Acid

  • Glutamine

  • Glycine

  • Histidine (Essential)

  • Hydroxyproline

  • Isoleucine (Essential)

  • Leucine (Essential)

  • Lysine (Essential)

  • Methionine (Essential)

  • Phenylalanine (Essential)

  • Proline

  • Serine

  • Tyrosine

  • Tyrptophan (Essential)

  • Valine (Essential)

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Branched chain amino acids, more commonly referred to as BCAAs are Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. BCAAs help your body to absorb protein, speed recovery and reduce muscle fatigue. Also, they prevent sterotonin being produced by the brain which causes mental fatigue, therefore, this allows you to workout harder for longer. For weightlifters, this is hugely beneficial.

When you digest amino acids it is the function of the liver to break them down for fuel or to repair tissue; but, BCAAs are often spared by the liver and directed to the muscles. As a result, your muscles can use branched chain amino acids as fuel during a workout as well as a means of building and repairing your muscles once your workout has finished.

A photo posted by Brandon Curry (@brandon__curry) on Sep 7, 2016 at 9:08am PDT

Bigger and Stronger with BCAAs

The reason BCAAs are so important for bodybuilding is their ability to increase muscle size. Research suggests that Leucine, one of the three branched chain amino acids, stimulates protein synthesis in muscles and as a result increases muscle size. Taking BCAAs is also thought to increase the natural production of human growth hormone (HGH) which also aids muscle growth.

BCAAs Aiding Fat Loss

Obviously in bodybuilding we want to increase muscle size as well as decrease our percentage of body fat. Often when initiating any weight loss and fitness plan the first route is with a calorie deficient diet. Normally on a very low calorie diet (VLCD) the body is likely to break down muscle as it fights to retain its fat stores, however, as branched chain amino acids promote protein synthesis assisting in retaining lean muscle. Research has shown that this in turn aids fat loss.


A photo posted by ПЕРСОНАЛЬНЫЙ ТРЕНЕР Москва (@fit_sport) on Sep 8, 2016 at 3:51am PDT

#BCAAs to prevent any muscle break down, Really saved me in the gym today. Code:Joepitt10 @myproteinus @MyproteinUK pic.twitter.com/CUwS9kx08m

— Joe Pitt (@pittykidd) September 2, 2016

So if you are looking to start weightlifting and bodybuilding seriously, then adding branched chain amino acid supplements is definitely a smart move. Try adding some today and see if it makes a difference to your results. If you have experience with BCAAs and can recommend any good options, feel free to comment below, it is always great to get feedback from our readers and pass on first hand experience.


Proactol Product Review

Proactol (later renamed Proactol XS) is a weight loss supplement designed to bind fat.

The unique properties of Proactol means that when you take the supplement (15 minutes before food) the soluble fibre will interact with any fats in your food. This interaction allows Proactol to bind the fat making it indigestible and therefore it does not have a chance to be absorbed by the body.

This video helps explain how Proactol works:

Proactol uses a natural sources of fibre and the product is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. They guarantee that no gluten, lactose or milk proteins can be found in their product and work hard to ensure only the best ingredients are used.

Proactol is backed by clinical studies and recommended by professionals and celebrities alike.

By taking proactol you can expect to enjoy:

  • Reduction in body fat

  • Control hunger cravings

  • Greater self confidence

  • Renewed energy

After taking proactol for 60 days you should experience a new found energy and self confidence about the way you look. Try it risk free due to their no fuss, 60 day money back guarantee.

Why proactol over other weight loss pills?

Proactol is one of the oldest and most trusted weight loss product on the market today, launching in 2006, it was one of the first ever weight loss supplements online. Since then many have come and gone but Proactol has constantly improved and evolved. Today known as Proactol XS it been used by hundreds of thousands of people just like you.

A quick search on youtube and you will find plenty of happy customers, an example is a customer from 5 years ago:

If you are a sceptic like me then you may think that some of the videos seem a little staged, however after researching many of the people behind the videos they all seem real. Also their are videos over a long period of time.

Will Proactol work on its own?

No weight loss pill will magically allow you to continue eating junk food and lose weight however Proactol is slightly different in that it binds fat. Therefore if you are on a low fat diet Proactol is not the right product for you.

If you are like most people, you will be trying to diet to help shift weight, we recommend using proactol with high fat meals, so if you’re tucking into salads or other low fat meals skip taking proactol with these. Save the pills (and money) for your treats/cheat meals.

You can use an appetite suppressant to help keep the cravings at bay and save your proactol for the higher fat based meals.

Diet is the most important part of your weight loss journey and Proactol can be a good tool to have in your arsenal.

Need more evidence, just search google for Proactol before and after photos.

Proactol XS is sold exclusively via their owners Bauer Nutrition who are very active on social media and sell a whole range of products.

I spent hours looking over their Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts to try and find some dirt on them but struggled (although I did find plenty of funny animal pictures on their Instagram feed).

A photo posted by Bauer Nutrition (@bauernutrition) on Apr 13, 2016 at 5:17am PDT

Celebrity Alert!

With Proactol being on the market since 2006 they have had their fair share of celebrity endorsements over the years.

With Mischa Barton being the most talked about, the Hollywood TV star reportedly lost nearly 2kg per week using Proactol.

#MishaBarton #RedCarpet #FestivaldeCannes2016 pic.twitter.com/XsUuAQPP7P

— FrenchRivieraMagazin (@FrenchMagazin) May 18, 2016Proactol in depth

Proactol XS is based on an ultra-pure version of Chitosan a GMP approved vegan source called KiOmedine-CsU®.

Chitosan has been proven to lower body weight and cholesterol, whilst the vegan approved  KiOmedine-CsU® has no known side effects.

The traditional Chitosan (not used in Proactol) can cause allergic reactions in some individuals due to its source being shellfish.

Chitosan has also been linked with improvements in Crohns disease, kidney problems, lose of strength, appetite issues and problems sleeping.

Most research online is based on the traditional Chitosan taken from shellfish.

The conclusion is that Chitosan and KiOmedine-CsU® are a fibrous property that blocks absorption of fats and helps reduce cholesterol.

Proactol XS Alternative

Looking for alternatives to Proactol XS we constantly came across XLS Medical, promoted as a medical fat binder which is available over the counter from your pharmacy.

XLS medical is owned by Pharmaceutical giant Omega Pharma, recently sold for €3.8billion.

The reviews online are fairly mixed, some people are happy with the results of XLS Medical whereas some people are struggling to see results. The amazon reviews certainly do not do the product any justice with 48% giving it the bottom rating of just 1 star. Over 50% of amazon customers rated is 1 or 2 stars.

As you would expect being backed by a large pharmacy company their is plenty of ‘good pr’ online however there is still a string of bad news for XLS medical, according to the Daily Mail the diet pills TV advert was banned for ‘fat shaming’ and the Advertising Standards Authority said it was an irresponsible approach.

You can make up your own mind if you want to give your money to the big Pharma company or to the natural vegan friendly small business.

For best results

I would recommend taking Proactol XS with your high fatty meals and cheat meals whilst opting for a appetite suppressant during normal ‘dieting’.

You should also follow an exercise program and make sure you are eating sufficient number of calories for your fat loss goals.

Eat more and lose weight:

OK it’s all getting very serious and sounds like a lot of hard work! Let’s reset a little, watch this very funny video:

OK back to reality…

Exercise + Healthy Diet = Fat Loss

But we all need a cheat meal right? This is where Proactol XS will help, don’t let cheat meals stunt your progress, use Proactol XS to bind fat.

Top 3 Rated Appetite Suppressants

Adding an appetite suppressant into your daily supplementation will help curb your hunger pains and help reduce the number of calories you eat.

1. PhenQ

PhenQ uses α-Lacys Reset a proven ingredient to help you curb hunger and lose weight.

PhenQ is a #slimming pill, that combines 5 weight loss benefits give you the best results! https://t.co/MOB9BY5XW8 pic.twitter.com/5w9HoWe7uU

— PhenQ (@phen_q) August 25, 20162. Phen24

A 24 hour supplement offering a day and night support to help you lose weight throughout the day and while you sleep. Active ingredients help you sleep and lose weight.

Boost YOUR #WeightLoss efforts around the clock with a 24 hour #DietSupplement https://t.co/KvOsSYPWby pic.twitter.com/Edt7AqU8ar

— Phen24 (@Phen24Official) August 24, 20163. Phen375

Reduce your food cravings with Phen375 this FDA approved supplement is my 3rd recommended product based on it’s ingredients. The main ingredient Calcium Carbonate can be upsetting to some people. If you notice any issues after taking this product stop immediately.

How can “Carnitine” boost your weight loss process?https://t.co/cI1VkspbWH #DietPills pic.twitter.com/cUdBxcs36M

— Lose Weight Fast (@Phen375Social) September 15, 2015

I wish you the best of luck on your weigth loss journey, if you have any quesitons or comments (both good and bad) about any of the products mentioned in this review, please do comment in the box below.

If you found this review helpful, please do share.

